Watch Information
Is there a neighborhood watch in your neighborhood? There should
be. According to The Complete Idiot's Guide to Home Security,
"your neighbors are among the most important crime-fighting
tools you can use"(P. 142).
What exactly is a neighborhood watch?
A neighborhood watch is a group of people working together to
protect the neighborhood. They agree to keep an eye out for
suspicious people, reporting loiterers or those engaged in
suspicious activities.
Neighborhood watches can also become involved in organizing
community events related to crime and safety. This could be any
variety of activities such as having a group meeting where you
invite a police officer from the community to come in and talk
about home security. It all depends on how active the people in
your neighborhood want to be. Don't wait for somebody else to
get things rolling, though. If you're willing to take the
initiative, you'll probably find a lot of people interested in
taking measures to keep their home and neighborhood safe.
Ways a Neighborhood Watch Can Help:
Through your membership, you'll be able to keep abreast with
what's going on in your area, including learning about crimes
that occur near you.
A Neighborhood Watch program will reward your participation by
making your neighborhood safer. It is statistically proven that
neighborhood watches are effective crime prevention tools.
A Neighborhood Watch can be a little like a Condo Board or other
housing community forum in that you can use the meetings to deal
with community issues such as abandoned cars, noisy neighbors,
and neglected yards that devalue the neighborhood.
How to Get a Neighborhood Watch Started
You can start a neighborhood watch in any area, urban or rural.
Contacting your local police station can let you know if there
is already a neighborhood watch in your area. If there's not,
the police can get you started with kits and information. Then
you'll want to talk to your neighbors and recruit participants.
Make sure to get their names and phone numbers so you can
contact them when it's time to schedule meetings. Good times for
meetings are usually after dinner on Mondays through Thursdays. |